Boutique en ligne française spécialisée dans le Pashmina, Cachemire et Soie.
➪  General Terms and Conditions of Sale

The present general conditions of sale govern all relations between the company Caprais Cédric, publisher of the website (whose head office is located in Andernos Les Bains 33510, 15 rue Robert Surcouf) and its customers.
 - Prior to any transaction, the client acknowledges having read and expressly accepts these terms and conditions when he/she clicks on the "Validate" button on the CIC Bank virtual payment terminal, when he/she uses his/her account or when he/she pays by bank transfer, cheque or PayPal.

Special conditions of sale
 - The customer acknowledges having read, at the time of placing the order, the special conditions of sale stated on the screen (name, price, component, weight, quantity, colour, particularities of the products, cost of the home delivery service and limitation of certain categories of products) and expressly declares that he/she accepts them without reservation.
 - The placing of the order and its confirmation by the customer, materializes his full and complete acceptance of the particular conditions of sale, only applicable to the order.

Product data sheets
 - The photographs illustrating the products are not part of the contract. If errors have been made (notably in the colours), the company Caprais Cédric, publisher of the website, cannot be held responsible in any way.
 - The texts accompanying these photographs are the reproduction of the information appearing on the packaging and/or on the instructions for use communicated by the producer or distributors of the product.

 The order is summarised with all the products selected by the customer who validates it:
 - by clicking on the "Validate" button on the Banque CIC virtual payment terminal
 - by clicking on the "Pay with your account" button if its credit is greater than the amount of the order
 - by sending the printable order form, signed and accompanied by payment by cheque to the company Caprais Cédric, publisher of the site or by bank transfer

Confirmation of the order
 - Fleur du Népal confirms the acceptance of its order to the client by one of the following means of its choice: electronic mail, fax or mail. The sale will only be concluded after the confirmation of the order by Fleur du Nepal.
 - Fleur du Népal reserves the right not to confirm an order for any reason whatsoever, in particular due to the supply of products, a problem concerning the order received (e.g. illegible document), an abnormal order or a foreseeable problem concerning the delivery to be made.
 - Fleur du Népal will inform the client by any means.
 Any new order will only be possible after regular payment by the client of the sums due for his previous orders.

The delivery
 - The delivery of a product ordered on will be carried out either through the Post Office or through a specific carrier. For shipments abroad, the basis for calculating the shipping costs is provided by the Post Office without the company in question being chosen as the carrier.
 - We do our utmost to find the most economical and secure solution in each case.
 - The delivery is made to the address indicated on the delivery note, filled in by the buyer. The delivery address must be a physical address (number / street), Fleur du Népal reserves the right to refuse any delivery to a post office box.
 - The company Caprais Cédric, editor of the website, is not responsible for any failure to fulfil its contractual obligations in the event of force majeure or unforeseen circumstances, including, but not limited to, disasters, fires, external strikes, external failures or breakdowns, and in general any event that does not allow orders to be fulfilled.
 - The goods always travel at the seller's risk. The seller is insured for this.
 Always check your package on arrival. You have a period of 72 hours to make any reservations with the carrier in the event of shortage or damage.
 For reasons of availability (out of stock, production stoppage, etc.) an order can be delivered in several instalments to the customer who will only pay once the delivery costs displayed on the order form.
 - If the customer wishes to have several delivery locations, he/she will have to place as many orders with the related delivery costs.
 - PARTIAL SHIPPING: except in special cases, an order comprising several references, some of which are temporarily unavailable or permanently out of stock, may be shipped without the missing references. The customer may then request a refund of the amount of the missing references. However, we undertake to keep the customer informed of the availability of the missing products or to direct him/her to another reference if he/she so wishes.

Right of withdrawal
 -You have 14 days from the receipt of the articles to make up your mind, in case of a request for exchange or refund.
 -Send back the new, unworn item (perfume) in :
 > its original packaging with its bubble pack
 accompanied by its instructions for use.

 -If the conditions for the exchange or refund request are respected, the article will be sent back to the buyer's address.
 Fleur du Népal
 15 rue Robert Surcouf
 Specify if you want an exchange or a refund.
 - In case of use by a client of Fleur du Népal of the right of retraction (with respect of the conditions for the request for reimbursement), Fleur du Népal is obliged to reimburse the sums paid by the client, without charge, with the exception of the return costs. The refund is due within a maximum of 14 days. If the obligation to confirm the order is not respected, the period of retraction is extended to 3 months from the day the client receives the goods.

The prices
 - Prices are expressed in French.
 - Prices are expressed in Euro only.
 - The transactions are always estimated in Euro.
 - The price indicated on the product sheet does not include the price of transport.
 - The price indicated in the order confirmation is the final price, expressed all taxes included and including VAT.
 - This price includes the price of the product, the handling, packaging and conservation costs, the transport costs.

The payment
 - The price charged to the customer is the price indicated by the online payment system or on the printable order form.
 - The price of the products is payable in cash on the day of the effective order.
 - Payment can be made by CB - VISA or MASTERCARD bank card, by Caprais Cédric account or by cheque sent by post.
 - Online: by means of secure payments set up by the company Caprais Cédric on the website
 - The order validated by the customer will only be considered effective when the bank payment centres concerned have given their agreement or the cheque has been cashed.
 - Furthermore, the company Caprais Cédric, publisher of the website, reserves the right to refuse any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute.

 - The present contract is subject to French law. The company Caprais Cédric, editor of the website, cannot be held responsible for any damages of any kind, be it material or immaterial or physical, which may result from improper functioning or use of the products marketed by Fleur du Népal.
 - It is the same for the possible modifications of products resulting from the manufacturers or distributors.
 - In case of concern in the application of the present contract, the buyer has the possibility, before any legal action, to look for an amicable solution.
 - It is reminded that the search for an amicable solution does not interrupt the period of the legal guarantee, nor the duration of the contractual guarantee. It is also reminded that as a general rule and subject to the appreciation of the courts, compliance with the provisions of this contract relating to the contractual guarantee assumes that :
 The buyer uses the equipment in a normal way
 For highly technical operations, no third party not approved by the seller or the manufacturer intervenes to repair the equipment.
 - Complaints or disputes will always be received with attentive benevolence, good faith being always presumed in the one who takes the trouble to expose his situations. In the event of a dispute, the customer shall first contact the company to obtain an amicable solution. Failing this, the French courts shall have sole jurisdiction, regardless of the place of delivery and the method of payment accepted.

 In all cases, the company Caprais Cédric, publisher of the website, cannot be held responsible for non-compliance with the regulatory and legislative provisions in force in the country of reception. The responsibility of the company Caprais Cédric, publisher of the website, is systematically limited to the value of the product in question, value at the date of sale, and this without any possibility of recourse to the brand or the company producing the product.
 -In any case, the customer benefits from the legal guarantee of eviction and hidden defects (Art. 1625 and following of the Civil Code). On the condition that the buyer proves the hidden defect, the seller must legally repair all the consequences (Art. 1641 et seq. of the Civil Code), if the buyer goes to court, he must do so within a "short period" from the discovery of the hidden defect (Art. 1648 of the Civil Code).

Reservation of ownership
 -Caprais Cédric, the company that publishes the website, expressly reserves ownership of the Products delivered until full payment of the price in principal and interest. The simple handing over of a payment slip does not constitute a payment. The above provisions do not prevent the transfer of risks of loss or deterioration to the client. In the absence of full payment, the company caprais cedric, publisher of the website, shall be entitled to demand the return of the material delivered. The costs that may be incurred for this return will be charged to the customer.

Legal Information
 -The need to have personal information collected for the purposes of distance selling is compulsory, as this information is essential for the processing and delivery of orders, the drawing up of invoices and guarantees. Failure to provide this information will result in the invalidity of the order.